Maple Seed Kick-Ass Grass

Available in 2KG, 10KG and 25KG bags



  • Drought and heat tolerant

  • Highly rhizomatous for recovery

  • Salt tolerance

  • High endophyte levels to deter damaging insects


Mapleseed Kickass Grass is a balanced blend of turf species for outstanding performance in hot, dry conditions. The new Certified Turf Type Tall Fescues have deeper roots, spreading ability and are bred to be fine leaved and slower growing.

This mixture is ideal for home lawns, professional use or overseeding. Use a starter fertilizer at the rate of 5lb/1000 ft2, 25kg will cover 1/4 acre

The Mix

40% Certified Turf Type Tall Fescue

30% Perennial Ryegrass
20% Creeping Red Fescue
10% Chewings Fescue

Mixtures subject to change based on seed availability